Prototype Proposals
I am in the early stages of designing an installation that can track people's body tempo and relate to their personality.
A core consideration for this project is :
different kinds of tempo from human body.
the way that I can use to track people's tempo in their normal state.
a understandable way for the public to make the connection from their tempo to their identity.
Specifically, I want to find out how can people's tempo defined themselves.
At present I find out two kinds of tempo I might want to track from human body: walking rhythm and pulse.
So my initial prototypes are basically involved in these two kinds of tempo.
The first one has two part. The first part is I prepare to put a path on the ground where sensors are hidden. And people are asked to put sensors on their soles. There is a gramophone on the desk that plays a song in a normal speed. When someone is walking on this path the gramophone will change the speed of this person's tempo.
After testing, I got two things to consider:
Whether the song that played by gramophone will impact people's tempo?
Since people already know they should put sensors on their soles, dose it make people over care about their walking?


The third one is kind of like a music box which has pulse sensor on the surface, and if people touch the sensor it will track their pulse and find a music that match your pulse.
After testing, I got two things to consider:
Whether people would regard their pulse as an identity?
Whether it is too boring?
The forth one is also has a path that to track people's rhythm of walking, but at the end of the path there is a screen that can will find some photos that match someone's walking rhythm. And show it in a motion way.
After testing, I have somethings to consider:
Connecting photos to someone's tempo is kind of ambiguous to identify people?
Whether it is too boring?
Considering things above I just figure out another way that I just put a sound instead of gramophone, and when sensors track someone's walking tempo it will find a song to match his tempo.
I am now just figure out two kinds of tempo from human body, but I am also want to use other tempo like typing tempo but I have no idea how to track it and how to use it. And how can I make people walking in their normal way, which means I want people do not mind their walking. I think this request will leave me a big challenge to track their normal walking tempo. I use different music to show personality. However can people know the certain music can be their identity? What if two different people have the same tempo?

As we can see, each photo has its own rhythm especially the photo of architecture. Such rhythm can be relevance to people's walking rhythm.