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Music Performance






Five senses

I am interested in the relationship between fandom and religion

I am interested in the relationship between feminism and the rising of consumption of male-idols market in Asian countries.

I am interested in post gender and post sex in Cyborg world

I am interested in the intelligence environment can be new part of human body.

I am interested in marriage in Cyborg society

I am interested in the possibilities that our world step into a monistical world 

I am interested in when and why people have sense of rituality


I want to re-design forms of marriage in the future of cyborg world 


Eva M. Capobianco

It is an exhibition that talks about gay and interracial marriage.

The topic is an interesting point that explore different kinds of interracial marriage.

Sculpture exhibition is kind of abstract for me to express my concept.


Mike Martel

This artist make an interactive computer robot.

This project explore the two genders in one body. 

The extension of this robot have many possibilities. For example, a new marriage between intelligent robot and human.

The original goal for Aiko is to talk with aging people and take care of them, so its appearance is to life-like. I don't like how this robot look. 

I really like this film. The light and music in this video enhanced the main concept. It is a very impressive form to show the author's ideas.

The original goal for Aiko is to talk with aging people and take care of them, so its appearance is to life-like. I don't like how this robot look. 

I want to design an perceptual intelligence that can function like human body.


Alan Flake

A new concept design for artificial womb that allow people give a birth to a baby like raising plants.

I really like this concept. It shows many possibilities of reproduction. Also this concept also make me to rethink the relationship between human body and their surroundings. 

It is a concept design that I think it still need more technology and research to support this concept. Because it may involve in ethic issue. 


Neil Harbisson

A wearable device that allow people to percept color with sound.

This is one of my favorite project. This project has a very practical function that combines sound and vision. Also I believe such wearable device will be a new trend for human to connect physical world and virtual world.

Though I prefer wearable technology, I don't like the way to put on this device. I like such wearable technology be invisible and ignorable.



It is a therapy experiment for lone comfort. This wearable device can provide people with a comfort zone.

I prefer wearable device that can provide people a not only physical but also spiritual world.

This project is more like an experiment. I want my perceptual intelligence can have a practical function. 

I want to visualize the similarities that fandom shares with religion. Also I want to design an installation to show this relationship


Venetia Robertson

A fandom and religion conference report in The University of Leicester 

I think this conference may inspire me a lot to connect fandom with religion from history perspective.

Too much direction that may make me hard to narrow down to one specific point.


Regina Flores Mir

An art installation that show human movements with city microbiome. 

I prefer the way to collect data and visualize data and connections between datas.

I think for my project I need a more obvious way to do such data visualization.

Popular Music Fandom: Identities, Roles and Practices


Lucy Bennett

A book that explore pop music fandom that contain multiple media and research of pop music and fans. 

Pop music fandom is also the one that I am interested in. It also enlighten to connect fandom with self-identity and social role.

This book is only focus on fandom. What I want to do is to combine these two together.


I want to study post gender in Cyborg world that may influence sexual relations and it finally influence marriage in Cyborg society.

Research Questions

Research Resources

3. How Cyborg influence gender?

4. What is the relationship between gender and marriage?

5. What is the relationship between marriage and society?


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